First devlog should start with something small. This time it’s a bit of a follow on to the blog post I made about my walking treadmill. In that post, I mentioned that I use a video background in Microsoft Teams that moves to make it look like I’m walking along. There is a series of videos I’ve downloaded that provide different scenes - stops me getting bored.

Well, Microsoft Teams doesn’t support importing custom videos and will only allow you to use it’s built-in video backgrounds. The tick to make it work, was to replace the in-built videos with the custom ones I downloaded keeping the filenames the same the as the in-built ones.

I did this once and it was fine but it meant I could only have 4 videos but I had downloaded 12, so I wrote a little script to randomize them and stop me getting bored.

import os
import glob
import random
import shutil

# Make sure to use the correct path on your system, and be careful with the use of the script since it involves file deletion.
TARGET_DIR = os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Containers/ Support/Microsoft/MSTeams/Backgrounds')

# Define the list of files to be replaced
files_to_replace = [

# Get the list of .mp4 files in the current directory
current_directory = os.getcwd()
mp4_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(current_directory, '*.mp4'))

# Check if there are enough files to replace
if len(mp4_files) < 4:
    print("Not enough mp4 files found to perform the replacement.")
    # Select 4 random mp4 files from the list
    selected_files = random.sample(mp4_files, 4)

    # Create the target directory if it doesn't exist
    if not os.path.exists(TARGET_DIR):

    # Perform the file replacement
    for i, target_file in enumerate(files_to_replace):
        source_file = selected_files[i]
        target_file_path = os.path.join(TARGET_DIR, target_file)

        # Delete the target file if it exists
        if os.path.exists(target_file_path):
            print(f"Target file {target_file} does not exist. It will be created.")

        # Copy the new file to the target location
            shutil.copy2(source_file, target_file_path)
            print(f"Replaced {target_file} with {source_file}.")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Failed to replace {target_file} with {source_file}. Error: {e}")

print("Replacement complete.")

Link: liamjbennett/treadmill-backgrounds